At English International School – Baghdad (EISB), safeguarding is a shared responsibility between our teachers, staff, students, and parents. We are committed to creating a safe and supportive environment where every child can thrive. We guarantee that safeguarding is always our top priority, and we ensure that our staff receive up-to-date training while keeping our parents and students informed about safeguarding practices.

We value the trust you place in us, and we want you to feel confident that your child’s safety and wellbeing are always our primary concern.

Our Safeguarding Team

At EISB, we have a dedicated safeguarding team responsible for protecting the welfare of our students and ensuring that safeguarding concerns are addressed effectively.

  • Head of School: Oversees the implementation of the safeguarding policy and ensures appropriate training for all staff.
  • Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL): Coordinates all safeguarding matters, ensures child protection procedures are followed, and keeps confidential records.
  • Deputy DSL: Supports the DSL and assumes responsibilities when the DSL is unavailable.
  • Safeguarding Team Members: Available for students and parents to report safeguarding concerns. The safeguarding team works closely with the DSL to address and investigate any concerns.

Roles and Responsibilities of Staff and Volunteers

  • All staff and volunteers at EISB read, understand, and adhere to the safeguarding procedures.
  • Every staff member completes safeguarding training and is trained to report any concerns immediately to the safeguarding team.
  • Our staff act in the best interests of the child and never promise confidentiality when a child discloses something of concern.

Our Child Protection Procedures

Responding to Concerns or Disclosures

  • If a child makes a disclosure or a concern is raised, staff members listen attentively, reassure the child they are being heard, and report the concern immediately to the DSL or Deputy DSL.
  • The disclosure is recorded factually and promptly.

If the concern is about a staff member’s conduct, it is reported to the Head of School. If the concern is about the Head of School, it is escalated to the governing body.

Allegations Against Staff

  • Concerns regarding staff conduct are reported to the DSL.
  • Allegations against the Head of School are reported directly to the governing body.
  • All allegations are handled confidentially and in line with the school’s HR guidelines.


  • Staff are encouraged to report any safeguarding concerns, including those regarding colleagues.
  • Whistleblowers are protected from any negative repercussions when acting in good faith.

Safer Recruitment

  • EISB follows safer recruitment practices, including background checks, reference verification, and safeguarding training for all staff and volunteers.

Abuse of a Position of Trust

  • All staff members are in a position of trust and must maintain appropriate professional boundaries with students at all times.

Safe Working Practice / Staff Code of Conduct

  • Staff adhere to the Staff Code of Conduct, which includes:
    • Maintaining professional relationships with students and families.
    • Using social media appropriately.
    • Handling sensitive information with the utmost care.

Staff Training

  • Safeguarding training is mandatory for all staff and is refreshed annually. Additional training is provided as needed.

Empowering Children to Keep Themselves Safe

  • We provide age-appropriate education on safeguarding for our students, including:
    • Online safety awareness.
    • Recognising inappropriate behaviour.
    • Understanding their rights and how to seek help.

Children Who May Be Particularly Vulnerable

  • We provide additional safeguarding measures for students with special educational needs or disabilities, as well as for those who have experienced trauma or abuse.

Attendance / Children Missing from Education

  • Attendance is closely monitored, and any unexplained absence of five or more consecutive days triggers a safeguarding review.
  • If there are concerns about a child missing education, these are reported to the appropriate authorities.

Behaviour Management

  • We ensure that all students feel safe and respected. Any behaviour that threatens the welfare of students is addressed in accordance with the Behaviour Policy.

Online Safety

  • We educate students about safe internet use.
  • Staff communicate with students only through official school channels.
  • Any online safeguarding concerns are reported immediately to the DSL.


  • Bullying, including cyberbullying, is not tolerated at EISB.
  • Our Anti-Bullying Policy outlines clear procedures for reporting and intervening in cases of bullying.

Managing Disclosures

  • Disclosures are recorded factually and promptly.
  • Staff do not investigate but report concerns to the DSL. All records are securely stored.

Support for Children, Families, and Staff

  • EISB provides appropriate support for children, families, and staff involved in safeguarding concerns, ensuring that all those affected receive the help they need.

Site Security

  • All visitors sign in and wear a visitor badge.
  • Contractors and external service providers are supervised at all times.

Extended School and Off-Site Visits

  • Off-site visits require a safeguarding risk assessment, and staff ensure the safety of students during such activities.

Record Keeping

  • All safeguarding concerns are accurately documented and stored securely.
  • Access to safeguarding records is limited to the DSL, Deputy DSL, and Head of School.

Confidentiality and Information Sharing

  • Information related to safeguarding is shared on a need-to-know basis, in line with best practices for data protection and safeguarding information management.