Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Find answers to common questions about admissions, requirements, and the application process at EISB.

❓ What is the age requirement for admission to EISB?
EISB accepts students based on their age as of 31st January of the academic year. The age requirements for each grade level can be found on our Admissions page.
❓ How do I apply for admission to EISB?
Visit the Admissions team at the school or contact us via email at for guidance through the process.
❓ What documents are required for admission?
The documents typically include a completed application form, copies of the student’s and parent’s passports and residency permits, recent photos, transcripts/report cards, and immunization records.
❓ When does the admission process start?
Standard admissions run from February to September; in-year admissions are open from September to January.
❓ Can I apply for admission after the school year has started?
Yes, in-year admissions are open between September and January, subject to availability.
❓ What are the school fees?
School fees vary by grade. Please see the Fees section of our website or contact
❓ Are scholarships available?
Yes, for Grade 8 students continuing into Grades 9-12. Visit our Scholarships section.
❓ Is there an entrance exam for admission?
Generally, no formal entrance exam. Assessments or interviews may be conducted to assess English proficiency.
❓ How long does the admission process take?
Typically 1–2 weeks after all documents are submitted. It may vary if assessments are needed.
❓ Can my child receive special accommodations for learning needs?
Yes. Please contact to discuss specific needs.
❓ How will I know if my child has been accepted to EISB?
You will receive an email from the Admissions Office with instructions for enrollment and orientation.
❓ What happens if my child is not accepted?
You will be notified via email or phone and may apply for the next year or join a waiting list.
❓ How can I contact the Admissions Office for more information?
Email us at or visit our Contact Us page.

Still have questions?

Contact our admissions team via email or visit the contact page for more information.

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