Internal Assessments

Summative Assessments: Students will undergo half term and end of term progress tests termly which are provided by Pearson but administered and corrected internally. These assessments are based on what students have studied. Occasionally there may new unseen content on the papers which assesses how students apply previously learned content to new problems. The results of these assessments are on the school reports.

Formative Assessments: Teachers conduct formative assessments in the forms of quizzes, worksheets, projects etc. The purposes behind these assessments are for the teachers to find out what their students already know or their areas of strengths and weaknesses so the lesson can be differentiated and customized to ensure the students are learning and progressing at all times. The results of these assessments do not go on the school report.

External Assessments:

International Schools’ Assessment: The ISA exams are skill based exams in English, maths and science. The ISA exams are provided by ACER and give us accurate data on how our students are comparing with other students in the region and the world. The ISA results prove the overall effectiveness of the school. The ISA exams are for students from G3-G10.

For more information about the ISA exams please visit the below link:

Phase Assessments: At end of Primary (G5) and Lower Secondary (G8) students will sit achievement tests in the below subjects:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Citizenship

These exam papers are mailed from the UK to EISB, administered at EISB and then mailed back to the UK for corrections. These examinations are subjected to JCQ regulations.

IGCSE Examinations: EISB students are required to choose 6 IGCSE subjects at the beginning of G9 and take at least 5 IGCSE assessments at the end of G10. The results of the IGCSE exams will effect IAL subject eligibility. These examinations are subjected to JCQ regulations.

For more information about the IGCSE exams and a complete list of subjects please visit the below link:

International A-Level Examinations: EISB students are required to choose 3 IAL subjects at the beginning of G11 and sit the IAL exams at the end of G12. Students are all offered career counseling in G10 where they are advised what subjects to choose based on their capabilities and potential university requirements. These examinations are subjected to JCQ regulations.

For more information about the IAL exams and a complete list of subjects please visit the below link: